At 360 Surf Academy we want to ensure your surfing experience with us is fun and safe!
We recognise that surfers come with varying levels of skills and experience, which is why we categorise all surfers into different surf levels. Understanding these levels not only helps us to adjust our coaching and guidance, but also helps us to match you as a surfer with the waves that suit your level. Based on your level we decide where in the South of Lombok we take you surfing. We have many different surf spots and we just want to be sure we choose the right one for you!
Below we outline the different surf levels we use at 360 Surf Academy:

"I have never surfed before, but I would like to give it a try and see if it's something for me."
​Woohoo! It's time for your first surf lesson. We're super excited for you!
You will learn/focus on:
The basics of surfing
What is a surfboard
How to be safe in the water & protect yourself
How to paddle into a wave
How to pop up on the board
How to ride a wave and keep your balance on the board

"I tried surfing before, but I still need to work on the basics. I want to focus on my balance and positioning on the board, and I want to learn how to surf green waves."​
You will improve:
Your take off
Your paddling technique
Your balance and positioning on the board
You will learn/focus on:
How to catch and ride unbroken waves ("green waves")
Angling your board before you pop up and how to follow the wave

"I am catching unbroken green waves, can pop up and know how to follow the wave. I want to focus on making speed and controlling my board better."
You will improve:
Your timing
Controlling your board
Your paddling technique
You will learn/focus on:
How to read a wave
The different parts of a wave
The basics of accelerating and slowing down on the wave

"I can surf by myself and am independent in the line up. I want to focus on reading waves and doing bottom turns and top turns."
You will improve:
Your paddling technique
Your take off and pop up (to be faster)
Reading waves
You will learn/focus on:
How to make speed in the wave
How to do bottom turns and top turns
Dividing your balance on your board
Using your arms and introduction to upper body movements

"I can catch waves easily and know when to take off. I want to focus on learning/improving bottom and top turns, cutbacks, floaters, re-entries etc."
You will improve:
Wave dynamics
Generating speed in the wave
You will learn/focus on:
Upper body movements
Feet positioning during manoeuvres
How to divide your balance
Manoeuvres of your choice: bottom turn/top turn/cutback/floaters/re-entry
Refine your personal surfing style

Based on the different surf levels described above, we can understand your current skills and experience better and provide tailored instruction and guidance to help you progress in your surfing journey. Whether you're a beginner looking to catch your first wave or an intermediate seeking to refine your technique: our experienced surf instructors are here to support you every step of the way! Together we make your surf experience with us as fun and interesting as possible.
Join us at 360 Surf Academy and experience what it's really like to ride a wave!